As I See It (Subject To Change . . . )

My random thoughts and personal opinions on a variety of topics.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Better Way To Reduce The Cost Of Education

In California, public school teachers, administrators, and staff are being laid off in droves. Programs are being cut and class size will increase. This is all being done in the name of a budget crunch.

I have a better idea. Lets keep the teachers but only have them teach students who are in this state (country) legally. If we were not spending so much money educating people who are not even supposed to be here, and are breaking the law every day that they are here, perhaps there would be enough money to educate those who were born here and those who came here the right way - legally.

Send the others back where they came from.

Global Warming on Jupiter?

According to the information under this photo of the planet Jupiter's red spots, Jupiter is under-going a bit of global warming of its own near its equator.

I wonder who Al Gore is going to blame *that* on!

We Get It

It's about time the Christian Community took a stand on this issue. Watch the YouTube Video here.

I never thought I would see the day . .

. . that I would stick up for Hillary Clinton, but here it is and here I am.

She recently was defending her decision to stick it out to the end with her campaign in spite of the mass exodus of her supporters and the news media to Barack Obama. She mentioned that taking the Democratic nomination process into June was not without precedent, and she mentioned two such cases.

The most recent was her own husband Bill.

The earlier one was Bobby Kennedy. She referenced his assassination. Which was in June. While he was campaigning for the nomination.

Apparently referencing a historical fact is taboo when it comes to the Kennedys. She has been literally shredded for bringing the subject up.

While I disagree with Hillary Clinton on almost everything I have to take her side here. I don't see that she did anything wrong.