As I See It (Subject To Change . . . )

My random thoughts and personal opinions on a variety of topics.

Friday, February 08, 2008

What Is Wrong With This Picture?

One common reason elderly people give for not wanting to move to a retirement facility is because all the other elderly people do is talk about their surgeries and complain about their aches and pains.

And the difference between that and the commercials on television is ???

I am so tired of commercials for dysfunctional body parts (one in particular) and dysfunctional body systems. If a commercial is required to say any variation of "ask your doctor" or "tell your doctor" then please do it in the privacy of the doctor's office and NOT in my living room. I do NOT care and it is NONE of my business and I do NOT want to know.

It gets even worse.

The major drug companies pay megabucks to the networks for commercial time to shove this info in our faces over and over ad nauseum.

People flock to the doctors and like good little robots, they do as they are told and "ask their doctor" about whatever drug has caught their attention.

The doctor, burdened with samples, gives some to the patient and prescribes more.

Fast forward a few years and - ACK - now we have commercials from law firms trolling for customers who were victims of these same advertised drugs that turned out to have some rather nasty unforeseen side effects.

Am I the only one who sees anything wrong with this picture?
UPDATE: Aparently I am NOT the only one who sees something wring with this picture. Read this.

From Bad To Worse

More and more governments are making plans - or laws - to ban the good old fashioned incandescent light bulb, and replace it with the fluorescent bulb which does use less energy. Unfortunately, the fluorescent bulb cannot function without mercury, a known hazmat substance.

Most likely the last time you broke an incandescent light bulb, you swept it up, threw it in the trash, and went on with your day. Take a look at what the EPA recommends you do when you break a fluorescent bulb.

Replacing one problem with a worse one is asinine.

Another reason not to ban incandescent bulbs is because tens - maybe hundreds - of thousands of people are adversely affected by fluorescent light. They are subject to brain fog, seizures and other ills when exposed to fluorescent light. Even now these people cannot go shopping for clothes or groceries or anything else, nor can they go into any other public building because they all use fluorescent lighting.

If the incandescent bulb is totally banned, these people will essentially be confined to their homes, and if they run out of bulbs because they didn't stockpile enough, they will sit at home in the dark for the rest of their lives.

You probably are not even aware of these people unless you know one personally. Because they cannot get out into public places, you don't see them. Most of them cannot work because offices have converted to fluorescent lighting.

The Western world must curb its energy use, but the outright banning of the incandescent bulb is NOT the way to do it.

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