As I See It (Subject To Change . . . )

My random thoughts and personal opinions on a variety of topics.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

World AIDS Day

Today is World AIDS Day.

As an STD, it carries a stigma with it, even though there are plenty of totally innocent victims such as children born to an infected mother. Perhaps this at least partially explains the following, although it shouldn't.

I am reading a book called "Children of Hope" by Vernon Brewer. On pages 40-41, he writes the following:

Studies show that evangelical Christians are the least likely group to help AIDS victims in Africa. World Vision commissioned a Barna Research Group study to determine the willingness of the Christian community to get involved in fighting AIDS. Less than 3 percent of evangelical Christians said they would help a Christian organization minister to an AIDS orphan. Less than 3 percent!

Can these be the same people who profess to follow God, who according to Psalm 68:5 is "a father to the fatherless, a defender of widows"? Are these the believers who model their lives after Christ?

AIDS orphans are certainly the most innocent of victims in this tragedy. That less than 3 percent of those who claim to profess the love of Christ would help an innocent child is an embarrassment. These believers are NOT modeling their lives after Christ!

What would Jesus do? He would help the widows and the orphans. He commands us to do likewise. If you cannot sponsor an orphan, please make a contribution. These people are among the 3 percent. They are helping.

World Vision
Samaritan's Purse
World Help