TV Commercial Review - Baskin Robbins
1) Mom comes to pick the kids up at Grandma's and announces that if Grandma says they have been good they can all go for BR ice cream. They have obviously not been good. Guilt is all over their faces and Grandma's house has been trashed. But Grandma says, "These little angels? I'll get my coat."
Proverbs 6:16 There are six things which the LORD hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: 17 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood, 18 A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil, 19 A false witness who utters lies, And one who spreads strife among brothers.
I guess Grandma missed that part, and BR has no problems teaching kids that lying is an OK way to get what you want.
2) A kid is outside playing in the dirt in the front yard when his mom comes out and says that as soon as he gets cleaned up they can all go for BR ice cream. Unbelievably enough, the dad turns the hose on him child abuse style. Not fun run through the sprinkler style, but think surveillance video from the Florida car wash where the mom turned the car wash hose on her kid and was arrested for doing it. If her attorney sees that commercial, she will walk away scott free. But apparently child abuse is OK if that's what it takes to get some BR ice cream.
3) A soccer coach hollers to his team that if they win everybody goes to BR for ice cream after the game. A pink business-suited soccer mom on the sidelines makes a professional quality kick, screams "SCORE" and then bends over and nose to nose with an eight year old (more or less) from what must be the opposing team screams "IN YOUR FACE!"
All of this disgusting and despicable behavior for ice cream?
I suppose they are trying to say that people will go to great lengths for BR ice cream. What they have really said is unjustifiably bad behavior can be overlooked if it gets you what you want.
Talk about an ugly and tasteless message.