Not The Kind Of Change Our Nation Needs
Here is a link to Barak Obama's Father's Day Speech.
Some of what he said was OK. Some of it was scary.
These are quotes. QUOTES.
Some of what he said was OK. Some of it was scary.
These are quotes. QUOTES.
- "We should reward fathers who pay that child support with job training and job opportunities and a larger Earned Income Tax Credit that can help them pay the bills."
- "We should expand programs where registered nurses visit expectant and new mothers and help them learn how to care for themselves before the baby is born and what to do after."
- "We should help these new families care for their children by expanding maternity and paternity leave, and we should guarantee every worker more paid sick leave so they can stay home to take care of their child without losing their income."
These are all out of the same paragraph, near the end of the speech. So what's wrong with these statements? Who the heck is this "we" he starts out with. Even though he doesn't identify who "we" might be, I strongly suspect "we" is you and me, the sorry sucker U.S. tax payer.
- So fathers who stay at home with the mother of their children and raise them as a family unit get a tax deduction but fathers who move out, father from a distance, but pay child support would get a tax credit. In case you didn't realize it, a tax credit is a whole lot more valuable than a tax deduction. Somehow I don't see that as encouraging responsible fatherhood.
- Excuse me, but that is why God provided mothers. That is NOT the government's job. The mothers and aunts and grandmothers of these new mothers are supposed to have already taught the new mom, and should continue to do so. Do you really want the government telling you how to raise your child?
- While every parent would like time off to bond with the new family member, somebody has to pick up the tab. These new parents are going to need the income to keep coming in and it has to come from somewhere. Employers are not going to want to pay for it. Small mom and pop businesses can't pay for it. So that leaves you and me, the sorry sucker U.S. tax payer to pay for it.
You think you pay too much in taxes now? If you vote this change into office, you ain't seen nuthin' yet when it comes to new taxes.
This Is Not The Kind Of Change Our Nation Needs.
Labels: Change, Father's Day Speech, Obama, Tax Credit
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