As I See It (Subject To Change . . . )

My random thoughts and personal opinions on a variety of topics.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

What I like about Wal-Mart

There is a lot of Wal-Mart bashing both on and off the internet. Most of it seems to center around 2 issues:
Cheap goods made in China
Shoddy treatment of employees

As far as the cheap stuff from China goes, it is unfair to single out Wal-Mart. They are far and away not the only merchant who profits by selling cheap stuff from China. How America got to this place is far too complicated for a mere blog post, and it won't be an easy fix.

As far as how the employees are treated, I have seen reports on TV and read articles in the newspaper, but that does not seem to fit what I actually observe. According to reliable sources, newly-hired non-union Wal-Mart employees are far better off than newly-hired union-represented grocery store workers.

My personal observations are that the turn-over in the major grocery stores is just a revolving door. No one stays around very long. My local Wal-Mart has been open for about 2 years and most of the people who work there have been there all along. If Wal-Mart were such a crummy place to work, there certainly are plenty of openings at the union-represented grocery stores!

Anyway, what do I like about Wal-Mart?

  • I appreciate that my local Wal-Mart is open 24 hours. It really came in handy when my daughter needed Zantac at 2:00AM! The check-out clerk was totally empathetic - and I was far and away not the only customer in the store.
  • There is a service where you can order an item off the internet and have it shipped to your local store for you to pick up on your next trip. Totally FREE shipping!
  • When it rains, the greeters will have a wiped-down cart ready for you at the door, and a plastic bag for your umbrella. Both come in handy of you don't want to get your merchandise wet.
  • Yes, I like the prices!
  • They carry a lot of gluten-free items, many of them their own house brand.
  • They play REAL CHRISTMAS CAROLS and let their employees wear "Jesus is the reason for the season" buttons.

I'm sure I'll think of more, and may add them later.


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